poetry is dead or boring or very serious.
maybe all 3?
tune in wednesdays 8-9pm & find out.
(for recordings click here)
we'll be playing haute music tracks between poetry readings & poem chats to keep your ears tingling in all the right ways.
each week I’ll bring in some contemporary, mostly small-press poetry from mostly australia but also elsewhere.
then I’ll read it.
if I find good ratbag guests, I’ll bring them in for little chats about what we’ve been reading in our drafty tassie living rooms,
what the poems do to us.
what they make us feel!!!!!
it's a poem education project:
diy poetry degree w/ 0 hexx & no
quality control but yes
close readings... interest rising??
assume casual explorations of meaning, style & form.
lines we like.
memories remembered by poem lines.
clever word mixes nice
enjambment :-))
if no guests come then it’s just me & you, listener.
recorded or live,
intimate either way,
just casual tho
nothing serious rn, hbu
~slip slap slop into dm's @ratbag_poetics
show notes:
ep1. [14/06] ursula robinson-shaw - YEARN MALLEY.
ep2. [21/06] mantissa review v2: sam morley, josie deane; holly friedlander liddicoat.
ep3. [28/06] dan hogan - secret third thing.
ep4. [05/07] hannah emerson - the kissing of kissing.
ep5. [12/07] holly isemonger - GREATEST HIT.
ep6. [19/07] groundswell - overland: evelyn araluen, alison whittaker, thomas denton.
ep7. [26/07] gareth morgan, tomaž šalamun
ep8. [16.08] izzy roberts-orr: red room poetry
ep9. [23.08] autumn royal: the drama student
ep.10. [30.08] dominic symes: i saw the best memes of my generation
(for recordings click here)