North American Scum is a weekly radio show focusing on the latest bleeding edge hipster-synth, dream-pop, indie noise music to come out of Canada and the USA. Lock it in your diary 8pm every Tuesday. Except if Better Homes and Gardens changes to Tuesday, then the show will be immediately cancelled due to the world revolving around Johanna Griggs.
North American Scum (NAS) was birthed in the past by two lads named Hugh and Alastair. Hugh stayed with the program for all of six months before moving to London and betraying everyone he loved. Alastair was left with no choice but to take the reigns and forge ahead with his own vision of the North American independent music scene. For over two years the program featured only music that could be downloaded for free from music blogs. But with the rise of streaming media that idea wasn't going to cut it.
Jonathan joined the program in mid 2012 and helped Alastair take the program to new heights. Sadly thanks to busy working lives the program had to go on hiatus in mind 2013. Now it's back in 2014 with Alastair back at the helm.
Alastair is among many things a music nerd. But the truth is he doesn’t really know what music he likes. He's is many things. He's Edge Radio's Program Manager. So expectations are high...
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