9928661 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/high-horse |
Adam Hattaway - High Horse
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9928655 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/just-like-north |
Angie McMahon [AU] - Just Like North
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9928720 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/keep-the-outside-open-album |
Apifera - Keep The Outside Open [album]
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9928664 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/blockie-races |
Backyard Business [TAS] - Blockie Races
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9928718 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/crash-album |
Bad With Phones - Crash [album]
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9928663 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/donna |
B. Raymond & The Gold Tones [TAS] - Donna
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9928656 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/filter |
Bench Press [AU] - Filter
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9928666 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/marshland |
Digby Ayton [TAS] - Marshland
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9928667 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/a-mans-man |
Don't Come Monday [TAS] - A Man's Man
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9928678 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/sea-to-sky |
Frances Cameron [TAS] - Sea To Sky
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9928672 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/mind-control |
Golden Sunbird [TAS] - Mind Control
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9928673 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/tuesday-night |
Grace Chia [TAS] - Tuesday Night
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9928657 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/cool-moderator |
Gut Health [AU] - Cool Moderator
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9928671 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/clownin-about |
Hermit Kovacic [TAS] - Clownin' About
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9928716 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/luxury-album |
Kosmetika [AU] - Luxury [album]
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9928724 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/lucy-ep |
Lucy - Lucy [ep]
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9928669 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/pentupcostal |
Mountains Of Madness [TAS] - Pent-Up-Costal
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9928717 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/silence-is-loud-album |
Nia Archives - Silence Is Loud [album]
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9928659 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/money-and-the-drugs |
Party Dozen [AU] - Money & The Drugs
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9928715 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/drama-king-album |
Peter Bibby [AU] - Drama King [album]
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9928660 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/johnny |
Radio Free Alice [AU] - Johnny
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9928723 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/a-syrian-girl |
Ragged Hollow [TAS] - A Syrian Girl
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9928719 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/last-chance-to-see-album |
salvia palth - last chance to see [album]
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9928725 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/now-that-youre-gone |
Tim Lane [TAS] - Now That You're Gone
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9928683 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/new-music-on-edge-radio/2024-07-29/ghosts |
Tom Fowkes [TAS] - Ghosts
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