10240205 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/tend-to-me-ft-robotikus |
Tahi ('25 amrap.org.au) - Tend to Me (ft. Robotikus)
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10240207 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/fire-and-rain-james-taylor | Marcia Hines - Fire and Rain (James Taylor)
| info |
10240210 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/ultraviolet-feel-it-again |
Nasman Donovan ('25 amrap), nasmandonovan.com - Ultraviolet (Feel It Again)
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10240212 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/haiku-by-kkeyes-gbitti-jsutherland- |
from echidnatracks.com issue 14: open theme - HAIKU by K.Keyes, G.Bitti, J.Sutherland and J.McInerney
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10240216 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/just-a-kid |
Claire Anne Taylor (Tas) (Giving It Away, '24) - Just a Kid
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10240218 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/at-my-most-beautiful | R.E.M. - At My Most Beautiful
| info |
10240222 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/bennetts-wallaby-and-running-throug |
POEMS by Robyn Mathison (Tas) from To Be Eaten by Mice (Ginninderra Press, 2009), taswriters.org/writers/robyn-mathison, walleahpress.com.au/communion8-Robyn-Mathison.html - Bennett's Wallaby and Running Through the Stars
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10240225 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/meet-me-in-the-garden |
Rita Satch ('25 amrap) (Meet Me in the Garden, 14th Feb. bandcamp) - Meet Me in the Garden
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10240227 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/together-in-electric-dreams | Giorgio Moroder & Phil Oakey - Together in Electric Dreams
| info |
10240232 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/haiku-by-smason-djacobs-and-joconno |
1 from theheronsnest.com/December2024/haiku-p8.html, 2 from p9 and 3 from p10 - HAIKU by S.Mason, D.Jacobs and J.O'Connor
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10240234 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/hang-on-st-christopher | Tom Waits - hang on, St. Christopher
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10240235 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/shes-got-a-problem |
Marianne Faithfull (A Child's Adventure, '83) - She's Got a Problem
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10240243 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/haiku-by-ron-c-moss-tas |
from Cloud Hands (Walleah Press, 2022), australianhaikusociety.org/tag/ron-c-moss, contemporaryhaibunonline.com/cho-issue-16-1/haiga-gallery-1 - HAIKU by Ron C. Moss (Tas)
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10240246 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/the-ballad-of-lucy-jordan |
Marianne Faithfull (Broken English, '79) - The Ballad of Lucy Jordan
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10240248 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/falling-from-grace |
Marianne Faithfull (A Child's Adventure) - Falling from Grace
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10240249 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/times-square | Marianne Faithfull - Times Square
| info |
10240252 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/my-admiration |
Jamie Lena (Jamie Lena, '24 bandcamp) - My Admiration
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10240254 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/earth-odyssey |
Asaf Avidan ('20 single) - Earth Odyssey
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10240261 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/haiku-by-jburd-and-arodman |
from theheronsnest.com/December2024/haiku-p10.html - HAIKU by J.Burd and A.Rodman
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10240263 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/sex-with-strangers-ft-beck |
Marianne Faithfull (Kissin' Time, '02) - Sex with Strangers (ft. Beck)
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10240267 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/wherever-i-go-ft-billy-corgan |
Marianne Faithfull - Wherever I Go (ft. Billy Corgan)
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10240274 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/meeting-the-man-from-the-future |
POEM and HAIKU by Jane Williams (Tas) from Points of Recognition (Ginninderra Press, 2021), janecwilliams.com - Meeting the man from the future
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10240275 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/these-days | Nico - These Days
| info |
10240277 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/song-for-nico-ft-dave-stewart | Marianne Faithfull - Song for Nico (ft. Dave Stewart)
| info |
10240278 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/haiku-by-dbelleville-and-bshutt |
from theheronsnest.com/December2024/haiku-p10.html - HAIKU by D.Belleville and B.Shutt
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10240280 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/how-many-worlds-brian-eno |
Marianne Faithfull (Easy Come, Easy Go, '09) - How Many Worlds (Brian Eno)
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10240282 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/falling-back |
Marianne Faithfull (Give My Regards to London, '14) - Falling Back
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10240283 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/deep-water | Marianne Faithfull - Deep Water
| info |
10240285 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/the-gypsy-faerie-queen |
Marianne Faithfull (Negative Capability, '18) - The Gypsy Faerie Queen
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10240286 | https://programs.edgeradio.org.au/adrians-attic/2025-02-02/as-tears-go-by |
Marianne Faithfull (Negative Capability) - As Tears Go By
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